How do I learn more about USDA funding options?

Steward Team Updated by Steward Team

Steward's participated loans are often just one piece of the agriculture financing puzzle. While many diversified farms & food producers struggle to obtain traditional funding through their local bank or ag lending agency, there still are a number of options available to regenerative producers in the form of grants and low-interest loans.

Steward is committed to assisting agricultural businesses with all things finance and will continue to build out this list of resources. Given the constantly changing federal funding landscape, be sure to check which programs are available at any given time.

While USDA grants and low-interest loans can be a great option, be prepared for a much longer timeline for accessing capital when applying to these programs. Additionally, many programs have a % matching component to receive their funding. Steward loans can be a great option to pair with a USDA loan or other grant programs, and we are happy to work with borrowers using a blended source of capital to meet financing needs.

Note: This is by no means an exhaustive list of resources. Please reach out to your local USDA rep to receive the most up-to-date information.

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