How does Steward assess animal welfare in farming projects?

Steward Team Updated by Steward Team

Steward bases our assessment of animal welfare based on the adherence to the Five Freedoms for animal welfare, humane handling and housing practices, veterinary involvement, responsible antibiotic use, and regular welfare audits.  For post-farm production operations, Steward assesses animal welfare practices of animal product/ingredient suppliers.

A Steward borrower must have some adherence to these Five Freedoms and treat animals on their operation or in their supply chain with dignity and respect. Steward will look for animal welfare certifications in the diligence process. 

We encourage any potential applicants to look through our Projects page, to learn more about the specific businesses that we fund.

Below, you can learn more about Iverstine Family Farms, a diversified, pasture-based livestock operation that produces pasture hogs, pastured poultry, and 100% grass-fed beef.

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